Emergency Disaster Squad
What a surprise - and fun too! I was expecting to have to control vehicles and race down
city streets. This is completely different, not frenetic, but players need to plan their
strategy well - and time is of the essence. In my first try, I didn't rescue one victim and
the car blew up before I got around to putting out the fire. But one learns through
There's a hint icon on screen that clues you in to the next action. At the beginning, there is
additional help on how to play the game. Game play involve figuring out how to solve
the situation - do you employ the firefighters first, or attend the victims? I neglected to
use a firefighter to cut a victim out of a crushed car - he died. Player initiates the
rescue by poking the service personnel on the touch screen and sending them into action.
Such fun seeing people and vehicles move about the screen. Sixteen Tons has gotten the
details so good that you can actually make out the red cross on the bag carried by the
paramedic. So how come some of those games that shall remain nameless can't get better
sprites in their games?
Five different scenarios will engage the player: In town disasters, Mass pile up on the
freeway; Forest fire; Airport disaster; and Earthquake. Each of the scenarios contain four
different missions. Instructions are displayed on the top screen. The game is all touch
screen. A colorful and detailed manual gives plenty of instructions. It might be useful to
check out the command icons, since they are pretty small on the screen and you have to
make choices quickly.
So - dive into disasters, fire, explosions, accidents, earthquakes and start earning gold
Mamual gives sufficient information - but nowhere does it mention "Saves"! No excuses!
Reviewed by: Editor - 07/09
Ages: Everyone 10 +
Fun Factor: Game is carefully done. Realistic involved situations.
Female Factor: Can't tell
Player Friendly: Good manual helps you get started.