Hotel - Review

Rating: E-10+ - Everyone 10+

Hotel is a misnomer for this game. Magnificent Castle would be more appropriate. The story takes place in a sumptuous Medieval castle with fifty locations, many within secret rooms, hidden passageways, underground vaults, mystic chambers plus a few dreamscapes. In other words, you'll have a good time wandering about.

Brigid, referred to as Biggi, a detective at NYPD with a specialty in paranormal cases is called away from her vacation to investigate the theft of a necklace which has put the victim into a coma. Upon arriving at the hotel she is greeted by a friendly hotel manager and an equally unfriendly detective, who considers her 'unofficial" and refuses to cooperate with her. Left on her own she does pretty well, finds keys, opens hidden crypts, solves puzzles and runs into the wife of the owner who is seriously mucking about with the occult. Much more investigation and puzzle solving is necessary before the solution is clear - and evil vanquished. There is a walk-on by several ghosts, Cleopatra, Marc Anthony, King Arthur and some advice and philosophizing by the lot. A strange artifact occurs in the game that also occurred in Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life where hands never touch the object given or received but simply flail about. Seems to be a technique used by Polish and Croatian companies. Strange and a bit disconcerting.

This is one of the "Premium Casual Games" which, besides having more complex plots and elaborate graphics, pays great attention to providing whatever help the player may need. A Hint button will highlight hot spots in the scene, and there is an in-game walkthrough. It is very much on the level of a Nancy Drew game but they have smoothed out any frustration. This is exactly how I would like to see Casual games develop.

Fun Factor: Gorgeous wanderings
Female Factor: The women have it - both for good and evil
Player Friendly: Yes very friendly.

Reviewed by: Editor - Aug/10

  • Hotel
  • © Mmbo Jumbo
  • Platform(s): W7 Vista XP
  • To Order: Win $19.99
  • Game Site: