Jennifer is Missing - Box

Jennifer is Missing
Ages 8 - 102

This is another one of the TKKG mystery adventures. The Police Chief's daughter is missing and to solve the mystery the TKKG team must question witnesses and follow the leads they provide. The team has different strengths and it is necessary to select the right team member to question the different characters. This ends up with a lot of duplication and frustration because you are revisiting the same places and questioning the same people until you have made the correct match. Some of our reviewers gave up before finishing the game. Tivola would do well to offer hints on their website In the mean time, you can send e-mail to me and I will try to provide hints.

Editor Review 6/01

  • Jennifer is Missing
  • © Tivola $19.99
  • Windows 3.x/95/98/2000/Me Mac System 7.1
  • To Order: