Scooby-Doo! Case #2 The Scary Stone Dragon - Box

Scooby-Doo! Case #2 The Scary Stone Dragon
Ages: Kids 5-10

What brought the stone dragon to life to terrorize the inhabitants in this remote Chinese village? The mystery team is on the case. There are graphic and musical puzzles to solve to gain entry to the temple/tomb of the emperor. As a light side trip, cook up a Chinese dinner and prowl the village looking for clues. Scooby, of course, won't go anywhere without getting his Scooby Snacks. It's a good idea to give him two and go to the Pagoda to find more. If you lay up a stash of snacks at the beginning of the game, you won't have to backtrack to get more. Be prepared to do each puzzle four times - which always annoys me 'cause I figure that, "OK, I have done this already". At the end you use a five by five matrix to analyze your clues to find the suspect - clever. You can play this game again because you get new clues and different suspects.

Reviewed by: Editor - 10/03

The girls really liked this one. I liked it as well. I would recommend this title for children 8 & up. Maybe 6 or 7 if they seem to be advanced for their age. Some of the puzzles will be hard for younger kids to figure out by themselves. Like the other Scooby Doo titles, the game requires kids to keep a running tab on events and what they have found so far and be able to apply that knowledge to situations in the game. Younger kids can do it, but it will require mom or dad to play along and give "hints".

Caelyn (age 6 almost 7): This is a really funny story. I like Shaggy and the Chinese Temple puzzle. I thought some of the puzzles were too hard

Lindsey (age 5): I like Scooby. He is really funny. I also really liked playing the Chinese Temple puzzle (she liked it so much she would not solve it, she just kept running around thru the doors).

Reviewed by: Dad and Caelyn - 7 & Lindsey - 5 - 02/04

  • Scooby-Doo! Case #2 The Scary Stone Dragon
  • © The Learning Company $19.88
  • W98 Me XP 2000 MAC OSX
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