Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Episode 5: The City That Dare Not Sleep
The final episode is a bang-up, throw every character in the cauldron and explode it
like the end of a Fourth-of July fireworks finale. TellTale Games has outdone themselves.
This whole series has been about Max - and in the final episode he makes it to become a Max-Godzilla.
Of course this necessitates a voyage into the Belly of the Beast.
Again, the voices are a treat - particularly with all the walk-ons.
If you play it as I do - the easy level - there are plenty of hints - not
so obvious as to insult your intelligence - more like, "Sheesh, I should have gotten that".
As with good things that come to an end - I am already missing the anticipation.
Guess I'll have to replay, Puzzle Agent.
The game is currently out on the iPad the PC and Mac and you can subscribe
upfront for the total five series adventure plus a final disk copy for
$34.95 at
This is the third season of Sam & Max. If you like these episodes the TellTale Game
store offers a great buy, all three seasons:
S&M Save the World, S&M Beyond Time and Space, and S&M The Devil's Playhouse for $49.95.
Reviewed by: Editor - Aug/10
Rating: NR - Not Rated
Fun Factor: Sooo good
Female Factor: The women characters are as weird and quirky as the men.
Player Friendly: Clever and imaginative help.