Star Wars - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
The latest installment of the Jedi Knight series has you take on the role of a new
student. Tired of having just Luke and Han taking the lead? Create your female character,
human or one of the alien species; customize your lightsaber and go out and wup em.
The useful Data Pad keeps you up to date on your mission objectives; the manual
provides tips on lightsaber techniques. All is not fighting, "Size matters not, Use the Force".
Between the releases of the Star Wars movies, Lucas Arts provides plenty of game play to
keep Star Wars junkies on their toes.
Reviewed by: Editor - 11/03
Jedi Academy Review
Vvzzzz-zzzzumm-vzzzzzh….. the Jedi students swing their lightsaber around,
hitting the person or thing attacking them. As they fall, the student must move on, using
their wits, skills and the Force to get out of complicated situations. This is just a normal
day in the life of a Jedi apprentice.
The point of the single player game is complex; the plot evolves as you complete
missions, illustrating key events with video clips and messages. The plot itself is very
well thought out; every little detail has an explanation, and all the thing you see are
relevant to the story. You can create a character (the choices are limited, though) choose
your lightsaber color and hilt, but your character, no matter what race or sex, will always
be named Jaden Korr. Many NPC's (Non Player Characters) from the original Star Wars
movies show up too. (Chewbacca is a memorable one) The multiplayer games are
exciting too, but also complicated unless one has superior use of the controls. Since there
are many players on the server at the same time, chances are you won't get much playing
time unless you create a personal game.
The game play is very riveting and exciting, with an element of nervousness. New
objectives appear so fast, it can be hard to keep up, but if you get lost, you can always
pause the game. There also is the choice of whether you're character will be good or evil.
The view of your character is almost always from the back, but you can change from first
person to third person at the click of a button. The sounds were very good, but there is a
limit to their selection, having mostly background music and the sound of guns and
The stated age range, "T" for teenagers, is very accurate. Since there is a lot of
killing in the game, it might be a little too much for our younger players. I thought that
this game was excellent, and I would definitely play it again if I had enough time. For
this game does take a lot of time, taking anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes for each
mission. So although the game takes a while, it is rewarding and fun. On a scale of 1 to
1o, this game would rate a definite 8.
Reviewed by: Vivian B. Age 15 - 01/04
Ages: Teen - Violence