Avatar - The Last Airbender The Burning Earth - DS
Often the DS comes out with it's own twist on the game. In this case, Aang and his team, before
getting into a melee, explores General Fong's compound and does a few community
services, finding a dog, herbs for the infirmary and unwrapping the bandages of some of
the injured warriors. Before General Fong forces a confrontation there is a serious
discussion about how the "Power" should only be used when absolutely necessary, how
frightening to the team and to Aang himself it is to be so angry as to bring on the Avatar
State. An interesting message for the kids playing the game.
If you are familiar with the show - you know that fighting looms large in the series. Not
just fighting, but elegant fighting with sweeping arm motions and spinning kicks.
One look at the button assignment tells you that they tried hard to give you as much
power and style they could.
There is a tutorial, absent from the consoles, which is well worth taking.
The touch screen is used to display the two active characters and to switch between them.
It also displays the map showing the movement of the characters.
It was fun to move the character on the top while watching the progress on the bottom screen.
While the touching function was minimal it was an interesting use of two screens.
Reviewed by: Editor - 11/07
Ages: Everyone 10+
Fun Factor: good story - good game.
Female Factor: Equal bender represemtation - Toph and Kateria.