Cake Maniac 2 - Review

Cake Maniac 2
Ages: Everyone

Cake Mania 2. I have this ingrained cynical sense for anything with a "2" in the title. After all, someone's heart and soul went into the original version – what is left for Numero 2? Let's take a look.

Instead of one bakery location, there are now four, Roof top, Antartic with penguins, 100 years into the future, and an underwater aquarium at the Great Barrier Reef. There are a few more cake shapes – fish, flower, moon and triangle; a few more toppings, caramel ripple and sprinkles to bring the number up to ten, new cake toppers, teddy bears, soccer balls, kittens and like items. Jill now has a girlfriend and a boyfriend. The new customers that inhabit the different locations are the most noticeable graphic improvements – they range from men in hazard suits, to green suited surgeons, rock stars and space aliens. So everything has been expanded a little. There is even real instruction for players – just like a grown up game. Remember, Jill is a material baker and while you can enjoy yourself, you must maximize her profits.

Fun Factor: New locations and customers adds interest.
Female Factor: She could work for me anytime.
Player Friendly: Producers made the game available on Win 98SE for those players who haven't upgraded.

Reviewed by: Editor - 11/07

  • Cake Maniac 2
  • © Sandlot Games /Elephant Entertainment
  • Platform(s): WVISTA XP W2K W98SE Me
  • To Order: Win $19.99