Just Dance
When dancing games first came on the scene - Dance, Dance Revolution - you
needed a dance pad to keep track of your steps.
Then came dance moves using the remote and nunchuk.
Cheerleading moves added a balance board.
Now with Just Dance we are down to a single remote controller.
Four can play, scores show up on screen.
Players simply ape the moves the dancer does on the screen.
There is a variety of actual dance moves done to music spanning the 80’s, 90’s,
Disco, Rock - more than 30 songs.
People can compete, thinking that they are being accurately scored - but it can't be done using only one remote.
The game tracks the hand that holds the remote.
I managed to get a good score sitting down just moving one arm.
The game implies that progress and scores are being collected - not so.
Progress is simply a list of what songs were played and Statistics lights up a box on a grid indicating the song.
The game feels slapped together.
It does offer songs and someone dancing.
If this is enough to get your party rolling - go for it, but let the guys without the remote dance too.
Reviewed by: Editor - 12/09
Ages: Everyone 10+
Fun Factor: Game doesn't offer much
Female Factor: Women and men dancing