Lovely Lisa  - Review

Lovely Lisa
Ages: Everyone

This just doesn't feel like a state-side production. Before Lisa can get to shopping, makeup or designing clothes she has chores to do - helping with household tasks such as laundry, cooking, food shopping, pet care, carpentry, cleaning-up, putting babies down for a nap. All are creative formulations of mini-games.

Next we explore the Career Center. The list is pretty extensive for a game. Again they are cleverly done - the Preschool Teacher has to find a child from a group of similar looking children; nursing requires players to swab an arm, hit the injection site and press the plunder on the syringe. The other careers are working in soda fountain, hamburger shop, flower shop, a nail salon, and as a pop star and police officer trainee.

And finally comes - Charm School where you work on skills "to become a nice young lady" - sewing , piano and computers. I told you it didn't feel like it was produced stateside. Once you have gained sufficient points in all three areas you can then go onto the Fashion Studio for makeup and clothes and finally to a Heart Hills pageant.

When you start the game you are invited to speak to Lisa - She told me that it was the day before Thanksgiving and that I was staying up too late. Lisa herself is a doll with long blond hair, big black eyes and an amiable tween. It's a delightful and refreshing game.

Fun Factor: Mothers and daughters will love it.
Female Factor: Lisa is all girl
Player Friendly: Manual comes in English, French and Spanish

Reviewed by: Editor - 11/08

  • Lovely Lisa
  • © Tomy
  • Platform(s): GBDSDS
  • To Order: DS $29.99