Pandora's Box
Puzzles - wondrous puzzles, clever puzzles, enough puzzles to last you for days and days,
thanks to the imagination of the inventor of Tetris - Akexey Pajitnov (no, I don't know
how to pronounce his name either). The story which weaves around the puzzles is that of
Pandora who opens a box and lets forth seven pranksters. To trap each one of them you
must solve up to ten puzzles in five different current cities. The story is irrelevant to the
puzzles and functions simply as a binder providing an incentive to solve the puzzles. You
can also skip the story and just solve the puzzles - 350 of them.
But let me get on to the puzzles. There are ten unique concepts on how to manipulate
shapes . They are:
So there you have them all. The computer adds interesting tricks like zooming, motion
and transparency. There is a tutorial for every type of puzzle. They start out disarmingly
simple and grow into complexity. Alexy said the he wanted to create puzzle games that
would be quieter and more relaxing than Tetris and he did.
Genevieve 5/00
Age Everyone