Spy Fox in Dry Cereal
Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is a well done animated spy spoof a la James Bond
with codes found in fortune cookies and a suave spy dressed in a
tux. The characters alone make the game worth playing. They are all
animals with great accents and personalities. For example, there's
Russian Blue, an accomplice of the villain, who is a sophisticated
kitty obsessed with tango dancing.
William the Kid has seized the world's milk reserves. As Spy Fox, your
task is to stop him by destroying his milky weapon of destruction and
landing him in jail. You explore, gather information by talking to
people, and solve puzzles using spy gadgets. Most of the puzzles in the
game are somewhat educational - telling time or matching shapes.
Another strength of the game is that it includes things to do that are
extraneous to winning the game: a challenging game of Go Fish with a
pig, a chalk board to draw on, and animated tattoos to look at on a
The game randomly selects one of two paths at the beginning, so that you
can theoretically play it a second time. I found playing it again
boring, because all the characters and some of the puzzles are repeated.
The game's long 5 minute introduction also grows boring, but like many
of the games you can skip it by pressing the Escape key.
Overall, Spy Fox is a fun game with great animation, humor, puzzles, and
characters; its only fault is that it's not much fun the second
Reviewed by Jennifer R
Ages: 5-10