Star Struck: Got to Believe DVD/CD
In seven words: "Guy falls for gal who spurns him."
But the actors in the movie make it so much more.
The cast is really charming, fresh, and don't look like they are playing to the audience.
And the almost constant music will please those to whom it is intended.
It's very nearly like a musical with the songs supporting the plot - a little like old time operettas.
Plot - Two sisters, poles apart in their feelings about rock star Christopher Wild (Sterling Knight),
Sara (Maggie Castle) is the ultimate fan who follows his life relentlessly and Jessica, (Danielle Campbell)
who couldn't give a whit about him and is irritated about her sisters obsession.
When Jessica accidentally bumps into him as he is fleeing from the relentless paparazzi,
complications force them to spend some time together. The rest is history.
This is a two disk extended Edition, with the movie on the DVD,
and a full-length sound track on a CD:
StarStruck, Shades, Hero, Something About the Sunshine, What You Mean to Me,
Party UP, Got to Believe, Hero, Welcome to Hollywood, Make a Movie.
A "Sing Along" bonus has words accompanying the songs for a little bit of karaoke.
Reviewed by: Editor - Jun/10
Rating: G - General Audiences
Fun Factor: Teens will enjoy it - even adults
Female Factor: Two cute sisters