All of the games on the cartridge work well as single-player or solitare type amusements -
just put this in your pocket and you are ready for those boring waits while the
person ahead of you in the checkout line drops his expired credit card on the floor.
The 20 games are grouped into 5 categories:
The illustrated manual gives good descriptions of each game, and there is an easily
accessable help screen which tells you how to play. The stylus controls are pretty
intuitive and the screens are quite legible.
While the games are lightweight, there is enough to do in each to keep you busy,
especially if you are tired and don't want to put in much effort. When you get
tired of one, just go on to the next - there's enough to do here to keep you
going on a transcontinental flight.
Some of the games can be played by two players using the WiFi feature of the DS.
Reviewed by: Lou - 11/08
Ages: E - Everyone
Fun Factor: Lots of variety.
Player Friendly: Help for every game