Xeko - Mission Indonesia
Basically this is a 2 person trading-card game centered around endangered species.
This focuses on Indonesia, but a previous game involved Costa Rica.
A complete set of cards has 120 cards and can be acquired in six-pack increments.
This set includes 41 new cards, a folded play-sheet and a map which is so huge as to be almost unwieldy,
a manual and Giant Learn-to-Play cards.
The Giant cards is a good idea because the game is relatively complicated.
Everything is packaged in a lovely FSC-certified pine collector's box.
There are four different types of cards.
The Hotspot card starts the play by indicating the location for the game.
Species cards can be plants or animals and are the heart of the game.
Lots of information on these cards - rules, eco-points, an image of the species,
rarity, and links – areas on the edge of the card that must be matched in color
to link to other cards.
So far the game might be a bit boring but now the Xeko cards come in to play – representing forces of
nature that can change the environment and Boost cards which give your species a helping hand.
As the play progresses, it becomes apparent how species interact with other species and how complex the environment fabric is.
This game would be appropriate for those who enjoy and understand games like Magic the Gathering.
The Official Rulebook is necessary to navigate the game.
Because color matching is necessary in the game – those who are color blind had best seek another game.
Reviewed by: Editor - 11/07
Ages: Teen